Patricia Pincus Cole

Patricia Pincus Cole

Founder & President

Patricia is a career communications and media relations expert with more than 20 years of experience specializing in advocacy and public education campaigns. Her focused strategic approach and personally tailored outreach campaigns have endeared her to private industry, government, and charitable organizations alike. With proven experience in campaigns ranging from international to grassroots in scope, Patricia’s expertise is in knowing what an organization needs and then delivering measurable results on time.mor

Patricia is also a trusted colleague, passionate leader, and supportive mentor known for bringing positivity and solution-focused approaches to the workplace. While known for her media savviness and solid strategic communications instincts, among her biggest assets is her ability to connect and empower people.

Born and raised in the Washington, D.C. area, Patricia is a graduate of American University’s School of Communication where she earned her master’s in interactive journalism. She is also a native Spanish-speaker with proud roots in South America.